Thursday, January 10, 2008

Joining the band wagon!

Creating this Blog was #1 on my list of things that I wanted to accomplish this month. Thanks to a little encouragement from family and friends (you know who you are). I finally was able to have a quiet evening and figure out how to set one up. I'm looking forward to documenting my family's life. I suppose that since I'm talking about goals I should go ahead and list what else I have in store for myself and my family.

1. GET TO BED EARLY!!! Which means that I only have about 10 minutes left here.

2. Spend a greater amount of hands-on time playing with the kids and help them continue to find and develop their own talents. They're already talented in my eyes in many ways, but I want them to take pride in themselves and realize their own potential.

3. Make a Responsibility Chart for the kids. Things are going to get a little different with a new baby coming and all so I better train the kids now right?!

4. Continue to clean and de-junk closets, etc.

5. Make a great garden and keep it alive!! Jesse teases me and my "brown thumb." :)

6. Complete at LEAST a 6 to 10 month food storage and try to come up with a way to find space to store it in my house. :) (Under the beds I guess. ha ha)

7. Catch up on children's albums!

8. Read more. I was re-energized when I finished reading The New Testament and the Twilight series books (I know, they're complete opposites!!). I'm almost done reading The Proper Care and Feeding of Marriage and love to read any of Dr. Laura's books.

9. Go on more dates with my husband! Anyone up for babysitting? :) ha ha.

10. Try to manage 4 kids all under 5 years of age!

* Well, those are just a few of my many resolutions. I just thought of a couple more, but I'll keep them to myself for now and let you know if I ever complete them. I'm always interested in hearing other people's goals so send 'em my way.


Team Furnival said...

Yeah Yeah Yeah!!!! Ever night when I check everyone's blog I always think- I sure wish Joyce had a blog! And now you do! Congratulations! I am excited!

Anonymous said...

Wow Joyce, it is a beautiful blog. I am impressed with my children and their talents.