Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Potty Party!

I've been "casually" trying to implement the potty training for Claire so she doesn't get burned out by my enthusiasm like my boys seemed to have when they were her age. I've heard girls are easier to train than boys and so far so good. So, every night before bath time she tries and when she did finally I got so excited and took her picture. So, now everytime she goes potty she points to the hall closet where my camera is and wants me to take her picture. She's so silly.

1 comment:

Team Furnival said...

I am have sympathy potty pains for you. We are going through the same thing. Jared has only actually made it to the potty after telling me "potty" three times. It is exhausting but I am looking forward to the days of being diaper-free!