Sunday, May 18, 2008

Tag, I'm it!

1. What were you doing 10 years ago?
Ten years ago around this time I would've probably just graduated High School (class of 98). I remember being excited for a new chapter in my life and wondering what the future held, but also I was very sad to leave all of my friends from High School. Our class of about 350 people were all very close. That summer (actually I left on my birthday, July 2nd) I was going to travel to AUSTRALIA for a 2 week trip down under to play some volleyball along with some other people representing New Mexico. Then, it was off to college to work my rear-end off some more in volleyball (it pays the bills right!) and school. I also hoped to find my true love there as well, but that didn't happen for another 3 years.

High School picture

2. List five things on your to do list today. (I wish it were only 5 things)

Well, since it's Sunday I'll list what I have to do tomorrow.

*Finish organizing Bryce and Claire's room. (We put a little toddler bed in the Boys room so that Claire wouldn't be bothered by the baby at night. She acted excited about sleeping in it, but tonight she wanted back into her old bed. I think it's going to take time. I have 8 weeks for get her used to it. )
*Clear my desk especially and the rest of the house!
*Take the kids swimming
*Go on a date with Jesse to celebrate our anniversary.

3. Snacks I enjoy.

Chips and salsa, cold cereal with fresh blueberries or bananas (whatever I have on hand), popcorn, something sweet that I can sink my teeth into.

4. What would I do if I were suddenly a billionaire?

I would totally build my dream home(s) with a huge room for all of my 1 to 2 year food supply and other things I might need. I would help all of my family get there's filled up too. I would travel and scout out places to build vacation homes for us to visit. Also, I'd invest in either wind energy or solar energy. Who, knows what I'd do!

5. List three bad habits!

I hate to list them, but I guess I'll pick the ones I don't mind sharing... :)

*Starting a project and taking forever to finish. It's hard to stay focused and motivated on a certain task when you're constantly interupted by the kids, life, etc. Especially sewing projects.
*Thinking the grass is greener on the other side.
*Leaving the folded laundry in the basket forever before I put it away. I just hate putting away laundry for some reason!

6. 5 places I've lived.

*Las Cruces, NM (My home now for 3 1/2 years)
*Mesa, AZ
*St. George, UT (loved it!)
*Forest Grove, OR (loved it!)
*Hobbs, NM (some college)
*Artesia,NM (where I was raised) I threw in just one more town.

7. Five jobs I've worked at.

* Lifeguard/ swimming teacher during High School
*File clerk at Yates Petroleum
*Wal*Mart (I was in the Manager Trainee/Future Buyer Program)
*My current job and most important...being a mother!

8. Five things that (some) people might not know about me.

* Someday I want to get really good at the violin and/or cello, but everytime I try to practice my kids try to steal the bow from me. Either they want to learn too, or they're trying to tell me something. :)

*I know this is silly to mention, but it's something no one knows...but, beautiful music makes me cry. Not like a baby, but just get teary-eyed. The first time this happened was at a Yanni concert in Oregon. Jesse and I went and I was pregnant (which might explain the tears), but in general ever since I've had kids I'm able to feel different about music.

*I love acting. I'm probably not very good at it, but someday I would love to join the city drama club. If my family did it with me it would be even better. Comedies would be the best.

* In High School I did Volleyball (played in college as well), Swimming and Track and was named Miss Bulldog for exceeding in those sports. I worked really hard, so I feel justified in bragging just a bit. When I'm going through something physically hard (like childbirth) I think back to my hardest practice days and that helps me get through it.

*I just did a radio ad for my father-n-laws campaign. He's running for congress and you can listen to it by clicking on his picture. It's pretty funny and I had a good time making it. It reminded me of the good ol' days when my sisters and I would record ourselves and make up different skits and stuff.

*I have to add one the beginning of my meeting my husband Jesse we were playing Ultimate Frizby and afterwords we were playing around with the football and when I saw Jesse kick the ball up in the air for what seemed like 500 ft and noticed he looked so dang good doing it I couldn't help but notice him even more. I had to get to know who this guy with an amazing smile and strong legs was! The rest is history.

I tag my sisters Jeanine, June and Janet, my mom, Jenae, Abby P. and whoever else want to participate!

1. Post the rules

2. Answer all the questions about yourself

3. After you are done posting, tag 5 people


Team Furnival said...

I like your senior picture. You look so great with your hair short. I could never pull that off with the big round face I have. It looks really pretty on you! I'm glad you did the tag.

Abbie said...

I never would have guessed that I graduated before you. I always assumed you were older. It was interesting to learn more about you. I guess I better get busy and answer the questions on my own blog.

Beth said...

Great getting to know you better Joyce. We have the laundry thing in common, I hate putting laundry away too!