Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Whole Enchilada!

Last weekend the kids and I went to the Whole Enchilada Parade because Greg(my father-n-law) was going to be in it and plus, we've never been. Greg is running for County Commissioner and so he decided that he'd ride his little scooter around to promote himself. The kids thought it was pretty neat to see him in the parade, but didn't know what to think of it. :)


Team Furnival said...

We were just talking about that tonight when Sam was over. I'm glad we got to see the video- pretty fun (ny). BTW I just got done downloading some Blue October songs right before I checked your blog and heard you must like them too!

Moma said...

I am glad you got a video of Greg in the parade. It takes a lot of nerve to be crazy. I was in Ohio and missed it. It looks like a fun display and the people seemed to enjoy it. I love the video of Claire's little boogie dance.