Having multiple children makes time fly. Especially in the summertime. I was sitting here thinking "man, I need to catch up on my blog while I'm two kids short this week" and it took me awhile to put all of my thoughts together. Too much to tell, but don't want to bore you with the details. I'll let the pictures do most of the talking.
So, yeah if you look at Ben & Connie's blog you'll see the updates she's so graciously providing to Jesse & I. It's nice to be filled in on the latest happenings while our two boys Bryson & Cameron hang out in Utah with their cousins. So far so good, but man does Connie have her hands full. I trust that she's getting help. :)
As much as I miss the boys I'm very much enjoying my special time with the girls. I'm able to read more to Claire and some to Bella. We've tried to make some felt beaded necklaces and then we went swimming, but Bella was not in the mood to swim in the ice cold water unlike Claire so we watched poolside. Other things like baking cookies and just sitting and watching the girls play and frolic around reminded me of my days with just Bryson & Cameron when we lived in Oregon and a life that was simpler. It seemed like my focus was more on them and not everywhere at once. It's hard to remember the last time I just sat with the kids without having something in the back of my mind tugging on me to get up and do or to be somewhere else. So, this change of pace has made me realize what makes me truely happy and that it's ok to just sit and hold your children. I already knew that, but had lost that perspective.
The kids have really been neglected the past 2 1/2 weeks. I was making a special movie/documentary of my mother for her 60th b-day and there was A LOT of material to go through. I spent every free moment of my time working on it plus I stayed up til 2:30 am every night and then got up to get Bryce off to school. I didn't want a nap because that would be time I could be working on the video. So, needless to say I wasn't a fun person to be around. Then to top it all off the day I was going to leave to head to Artesia the video wouldn't publish! I missed my nephews graduation trying to figure out how to get it done, but there were some corrupt files,etc and so I showed up empty handed and heartbroken. So, I'm still trying to get it done, but am working on it from time to time on a different program. Such is life right. It'll get done mom I promise.
Like I said earlier, this month has been full of "go here, go there." The boys are both in baseball, but on separate teams this year and so Monday thru Thursday we're at the baseball fields. It makes it difficult to feed a family dinner. I do enjoy watching them though. Cameron is so cute in his over sized uniform, out diving for the ball. I think if his pants don't have grass marks on them he's disappointed. Summer is going to fast, looking forward to slowing it down a bit.