Sunday, June 21, 2009

The father he is...

Has just been named King Daddy and loving it! Admit it Jesse! :)

Don't say I never got you a tie! HA!

The Kings loyal subjects bowing down! Byson later asks in a concerned tone, "Do you think Heavenly Father will mind if we worship dad?" He's so sweet.

The other day I was trying to get dinner on the table and the house picked up all while juggling kids who kept trying to ask for snacks and/or fighting with one another. I was just about to lock myself in my bedroom when to our rescue DADDY CAME HOME! That is one of my favorite parts of the day! The kids' face lights up and suddenly they become angels and all is well. Most every time the kids go and hide and Jesse will say, "Where are those kids!" Claire always pops out with "HERE I AM!!" (Doesn't quite get the "Hiding" part) and then of course he'll find the boys, tickle them all or wrestle and then we'll all sit to a nice dinner together. That's just a little example of his fatherhood abilities. I knew when we were dating that Jesse would be a great father. This year we're starting a new tradition for Father's Day. It all started with Claire referring to Jesse as "King Daddy" from the Standing Tall audio book series, Happiness. So, I thought it would be funny to make Jesse King for the day and so I made him a King's Cloak with a dressed up Burger King Crown and a golden staff. The kids got a kick out of obeying so easily and Cameron would ask Jesse if he wanted his back scratched or anything else. So sweet. Well, Jesse was a good sport like he always is with my costumes I make him wear. We love you sweetheart! I'm sure thankful for you!


Team Furnival said...

What a good sport you are Jesse! Happy "King for A Day" Day!

Beth said...

I like the cape and the staff with the remote on it. Good idea and I'm sure it will be a fun memory too.

Moma said...

Jesse came in to Sunday dinner wearing his King outfit and it was just adorable. What a fun idea. A must bring to the reunion.

Abbie said...

I hated when Jes made us do this for him in college. I didn't mind him in a cape or wearing a crown...but when he insisted that we bow down to him.....grrr.
