Saturday, July 10, 2010

Skateboarding...Bryce's new passion

As you know we bought Bryce a skateboard for his 8th birthday. Since then it's "hey, can you take me to the skate park?" "Gee mom, maybe after you run errands we can go to the skatepark?" (Even though it's 100 degrees outside!!) or "mom, I was thinking we could go to the skatepark so that I can try this new trick, it's called the ...........blah, blah, blah." Bryce has been doing tons of research and learning all he can about skateboarding and so he's always throwing these terms like the double twist half pike, the 90 degree tail whip,the alley, the 180 degree alley, and kick flips just to name a few. He checked a biography about Tony Hawk and finished it in one afternoon. He's wanting to learn everything he can; it's fun to watch. These pictures are actually about a month old and he's improved to much and has gone through several boards (working his way up to the faster boards) and he's decorating his room with the old boards. The past few nights we've had a "driveway picnic dinner" so that we can eat and watch the kids skate around. It's been perfect because the Thunderheads start rolling in so we get a lightning and X-games show all in one. :) Don't worry the lightning is far away.

Cameron also has picked it up, but is a little less aggressive about it and tries to do the same stunts with his skooter. (I'm ok with that, skateboarding scares me.) The girls for the most part have been good sports about spending so much time at the Skate Park. If we get there when it opens in the morning we have it to ourselves and the girls get to run wild! Bella's such a crazy little girl. She's been jumping off things as soon as she learned how to walk. She landed this jump too. :)

Like I mentioned earlier, this happened several weeks ago. Bryce has improved tons and is getting a lot more air than shown here. I'll video him next chance I get to show the difference a few weeks will make. This is just what Bryce needed I think. He works so hard, he'll come in just dripping in sweat after practicing. I like seeing him work so hard for something he wants; it'll be a good lesson for him to learn.

1 comment:

Team Furnival said...

That's cool Bryce! Can't wait to see you show off! We know what it feels like to hang out at the skate park. Any bets as to who gets a broken arm first, Bryson, Cam, or Jared?