Saturday, February 18, 2012

Mother daughter night!

Claire and I had a special night out at the Nutcracker. The Las Cruces Chamber Ballet performs the Nutcracker every year and this year I felt like Claire was old enough to enjoy the show. She did! We knew we were going for nearly a month and I bought her a new dress so the anticipation was growing.

She's becoming such a beautiful young lady.

So, Claire was mezmorized the whole night. She kept telling me, "Mom, I want to be in Ballet." What's neat was that she noticed a few of her classmates in the performance so I think it made her feel more like it's something that she could or would be able to do. On the way out of the lobby all of the performers were mingling and as we were walking out we went by the dancer who was one of the sugar plum faries. Claire reached out and touched her tu tu, looked up at me and giggled. We had such a wonderful time. It's always nice to focus on one child and make them feel like they're the only kid in the world.
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1 comment:

Team Furnival said...

You both look stunning!!!!