Sunday, January 10, 2010

Feeling 35!

Ok, Jesse is halfway through his 30's. If you ask him how he feels about turning 35 his answer would probably be something like, "yeah man...I'm getting old!" As he shakes his head. Deep down though he knows he's still got it. We had the fam over for one of his favorite dinners I make, Sun Chip Chicken. I had been in a baking mode earlier in the week for Christmas goodies so no one was really in the mood for cake. But, I just made a Texas Sheet cake with a carmel glaze over it. It's hard to see what I slapped on with the icing, but it's suppose to be his sports car peeling out past a sign that has "35" MPH on it. It's to commemorate Jesse's year which consisted! The highlight of the evening was Sam brought over his steady girlfriend "Laura" over to dinner. We were excited to finally meet her and think she's a doll. My boys always act funny and super hyper around pretty girls and Claire seems to have warmed up to her also, she always wants to sit by her. Sorry about posting this picture Jess, I couldn't pass it up. :) Love you! It's been a great year, Happy Birthday!


Team Furnival said...

Niiiiiiice Jesse! Hope you had a great birthday. You are a great big brother. Come on Joyce! I know you can draw a better car than that! Haha :)

John and Melodie said...

Happy late blog birthday Jesse. Glad we got to hang out during the holidays.

Grandma Merrell said...

I see this face a lot on Ben. It must be genetic.