Sunday, October 17, 2010

Enjoying the fruits of your labor.

After months of dreaming of a lush, green yard my dream has finally come to a reality that we've been able to enjoy this summer. It wasn't easy though. I spent many hours raking and raking, spreading seed and alfalfa on the seed (a wonderful trick I might add; I saw results in 2 days as compared to just some sprouts here and there after 2 weeks of waiting without the alfalfa on top). Anyhow, one day I'm mowing the lawn, the kids are inside playing video games (we let them on the weekends only) and I'm thinking to myself...."I wouldn't be a good parent if I didn't make my kids learn the value of work. I have two boys who are perfectly capable to mow the lawn. They're gonna sweat with me dang it!" So, I turned off the tube and within minutes of teaching them how to safely maneuver a lawn mower Bryce was mowing lines all over the place. I told him he could do it however he wanted. Once he figured out what he was doing was going to take more time he finally decided to go with the standard lines. Cameron could barely push it so I helped him a bit. We raked the grass clippings, sweat some more we then enjoyed a nice push pop. I want them to learn the value of work, that's it's not always easy, but good for you. You know what I mean. They have a long way to go though before they can mow lawns for a business. :)

1 comment:

Moma said...

Well, this yard that Joyce grew is amazing. I can't even believe how thick and green it is. Way to go.