Sunday, September 7, 2008

Un-Prepared & out of shape!

Last weekend the weather was so nice. It was in the high 70's and cloudy; a nice break from the summer's heat. So, I thought it would be nice if we were to go hiking. I've always dreamt of our family being the kind to be a bit more adventurous and go and do a bunch of outdoor activities. So, after getting a lunch packed and everyone finally out the door (a few hours later than expected) we were as Jesse says, "Out like a heard of Turtles." We didn't go far. We just went to Dripping Springs, but it feels like your packing for an all day trip!

On the way over Claire fell asleep which was my first uh-oh moment, we got out of the car and the sun was blazing hot (the weather man was wrong that day!), I forgot to bring a back pack to put our big jug of water in so we had to use whatever bag I had in the car. To top it all off it was lunch time which meant that my visions of having a picnic by the springs was shot since it was going to probably take an hour to two hours to get there! Needless to say this hike was not turning out the way I had envisioned it.
Luckily, Claire was happy even though her nap was only 10 minutes long. We ate our lunch and started up the trail thinking what are we doing making this hike with a bunch of little kids. We totally looked unprepared. Although, while on the hike I couldn't help but think of the Mormon Pioneers and others like them who just had to leave everything except what they could carry or push behind. I kept thinking how much easier it would be if I were in better shape and not 4 WEEKS POST PARDOM, but the Pioneers didn't have the luxury to "train" for their treck across the west either. (Although, I'm sure they shaped up pretty quick) Anyhow, it made me appreciate their sacrifice that much more. We obviously didn't make it the whole 1.5 miles that afternoon...Jesse ended up having to carry Claire and the boys started getting tired, but all in all it was a funny memory and a lesson learned in preparedness. We're hiking the trail again tomorrow for Family Home Evening and hopefully the experience will be better.


Beth said...

You're really going to try it again so soon? Brave!! I've been doing alot more outside because the weather has been so nice. Haven't hiked yet, but I'm planning on it soon.
P.S. In my comment about the pics I forgot to put an 'e' at the end of Claire's name. Sorry I should have checked it before I posted it.

Partridge Family said...

I love that you have a blog! It is such a fun way to stay in touch. It sounds like you have your hands full and are enjoying being a Mom! Does Janet have one?

Joyce Sowards said...

no, I wish she did! We need to talk her into making one. What a nice surprise Sara! I need permission to see your blog.